Friday, November 20, 2009

NEW MOON...yes the movie not the book

I must say yes I know I have a book blog but everyone is commenting on the madness that is New Moon, you might have heard of it. I have read all the books in the Twilight series (back to back in like 3 days). They were good and the last book, Breaking Dawn was great. Here are my thoughts on the movie:

Was it better than the first low budget Twilight movie? Yes. Was I glad I went and seen it at the theatres (at matinee price)? Yes. Who had the hottest body? Hands down Taylor. Was I super excited to see Jacob get rid of the hideous wig (eww eww eww)? Hell yes. Overall I really enjoyed the movie. It was way better that the first movie. This movie does follow more true to the book than the previous movie. Sure there were some corny added lines but thankfully none of the, "spider monkey" crap- *cringe*. There were a couple of things that bothered me: Kristen Stewart seemed twitchy throughout the entire movie. While I must confess Bella was not the reason I finished the series, Jacob and Edward were, I thought maybe Kristen would step her game up in this movie...but she didn't. Also I am not sure what the intentions were but the close-ups in the movie were getting out of control. Maybe the director thought to show the emotions more clearly by zooming in to 4 inches from the face...but did he really have to zoom in every time things in the movie got intense? Apparently. I must say go see it and have fun, if for no other reason because you don't want to be the only one on the entire planet who has not seen it ;o)

Some tips for the movie watcher: Don't bring your babies, I can tell you from experiencing nothing is more annoying in a sold out movie theatre than trying to watch Edward or Jacob's every move with a screaming baby as background noise. Get a sitter. Also don't try to "save" 10 seats for your entire family. It's rude. Everyone paid the money and waited an hour in line to get good seats, so don't piss anyone off!

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